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Egypt Center for Research and Regenerative Medicine Organizes a Workshop with the University of Exeter

The Egypt Center for Research and Regenerative Medicine in cooperation with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and Knowledge E organized a workshop in December for researchers who are a part of the Egyptian Genome Project at the Center researchers from various Egyptian universities and research centers with the University of Exeter held at the Military Medical Academy entitled Methods of Analyzing and Interpreting Genomic Data. The workshop was presented by Dr. Emma Babel Senior Lecturer in Genomic Medicine at the University of Exeter and Consultant Clinical Genetics and Prof. Anna Murray Professor of Human Genome at the University of Exeter and Dr. Joseph Leslie is a researcher in the genetics of rare diseases at the University of Exeter. The workshop was aimed at professional development and covered various techniques and resources for analyzing genetic test results using a multidisciplinary and interactive approach. The participants learned more about different analysis tools and how to apply them to case-based variant analysis. The workshop also involved group discussions Q&As and interactive practical activities to help researchers develop their skills in their current work.

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05 Jun 2023